

September 15, 2024

  • Update database with most recent reviews from John Kew, PB Effect, and Pickleball Studio
  • Add global search (⌘ + K) to query for paddles on any page

August 7, 2024

  • Update database with most recent reviews from John Kew, PB Effect, and Pickleball Studio
  • Fix USAP equipment list synchronization
  • Update randomize to always be between 3 and 4 paddles

July 20, 2024

  • Update database with most recent reviews from John Kew, PB Effect, and Pickleball Studio
  • Automate synchronizing with USAP equipment list

June 21, 2024

  • Rework filter and sort UI:
    • Add filters for all performance and dimension values
    • Consolidate all filters to drawer
  • Show similar paddles on paddle page: Paddles are similar if they meet the following criteria:
    • Same paddle shape
    • Power, pop, spin, and twist weight ratings differ by no less than 30%
    • The sum of the above rating differences does not exceed 50%
  • Increase maximum allowed paddle in comparison from 3 to 4
  • Fix comparison table rendering extra cells when comparing less than max paddles

June 16, 2024

  • Fix comparison table not displaying correctly on mobile

June 14, 2024

  • Add "Analyze" page (formerly chart mode on paddles list page)
  • Introduce correction factor for spin, drive speed, and volley speed when computing metrics:
    • Creates a multiplier per reviewer, calculated by comparing test values across paddles that reviewers have commonly reviewed. This helps prevent paddles from appaearing lower or higher in the distribution, just because only one test result exists for that paddle.
    • Paddle values, scores and percentiles are affected by this change.
  • Rework search functionality to use Full Text Search (FTS):
    • Fixes bug where entering manufacturer and paddle name returned no results.
    • Increases query speed
    • Improves search result relevance
  • Add video links and thumbnails to reviews on each paddle page.

June 4, 2024

  • Add grip length as sort/axis dimension

June 3, 2024


May 21, 2024

  • Compute and display averages on paddle properties
  • Compute paddles scores by normalizing values to a range (0 - 10)
  • Migrate paddle review data from John Kew, Pickleball Effect, and Pickleball Studio